
Lauren became interested in that subculture of poetry, rap, while she was a student and quite quickly realised she was not cool enough to forge any sort of career in that field. She continued, however, to write rhymes and mention poetry to as many people as possible in the hope that they would accept her. Doing a radio show about poetry whilst at university sort of helped.

As cells aged, grey matter increased and time progressed, the moment arrived for her to showcase these assembled sets of words that were birthed from a Biro. Here, upon this digital domain, you may sample a handful of her poems – just click the appropriately titled ‘Poems’ tab above, or select a month from the archive list to the side.

You can follow Lauren on Instagram @lozwrites. Here is where the complete (she hopes, anyway) poems are published, whereas Instagram is more experimental.

More importantly, she urges, seeing as you have internet access, please Mozilla Firefox local poetry nights & events near you, attend them and take a friend. For poetry is fun to read and to study, but far more wonderful to experience live.
